Dear Follower

I hope this message finds you well. Today, I’m thrilled to share some exciting news with all of you

Now it’s official

After much consideration and reflection

I have made the decision to embark on a new journey in the adult entertainment industry.

I am well known in the media for many different things

Im the crazy viking Thats not afraid to live my own way outside the norms society gives me


It’s a decision that hasn’t come lightly, but one that I am incredibly excited about 

When we think of the Vikings, images of fierce warriors, epic battles, and legendary voyages often come to mind. However, there’s another aspect of Viking culture that is often overlooked: their remarkably open and accepting attitude towards sex. 

In our modern society, where discussions about sex can still be taboo and certain attitudes towards sexuality are deeply ingrained, 

it’s fascinating to look back at ancient cultures like the Vikings and see how differently they approached this aspect of human life. 

Vikings often depicted as fierce warriors and conquerors, also had a surprisingly open and attitude towards sex that challenges many of our contemporary norms today

Im 100% Viking an this is the right time to do this in my life 

Cultural Acceptance

Unlike today, where discussions about sex are often met with discomfort or judgment, Viking society embraced sexuality as a natural and essential part of life. It was not a topic to be whispered about in hushed tones but rather openly discussed and celebrated

I understand that this news may come as a surprise to some of you, and I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your ongoing support and
